Thursday, April 30, 2009


BIBLE READING: Proverbs 16:32 Self Control is Better


OAT Testing
Nick's Uncle has cancer
Jordan going to Dayton this weekend
Lauren's teacher is pregnant..under stress and affecting baby
Jim's work
Everyone traveling
John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
Brad's Mom had a root canal
Kate-school play
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family
Women of GRACE Event on Thursday
Troy's brother Marc
Middle School S.S. Challenge: Visit this blog at least 3 days this week, read the Bible Reading and leave me a comment!
Challenge Winners so far this week:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


BIBLE READING: Drifting Away: Imagine relaxing on a rubber raft...


Everyone traveling
John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
Brad was sick
Kate-school play
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family
Women of GRACE Event on Thursday
Troy's brother Marc

Middle School S.S. Challenge: Visit this blog at least 3 days this week, read the Bible Reading and leave me a comment!

Challenge Winners so far this week:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


BIBLE READING: Psalm 47:1-9 Timeless Praise


Everyone traveling
John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
Brad was sick
Kate-school play
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family
Women of GRACE Event on Thursday
Troy's brother Marc

Middle School S.S. Challenge: Visit this blog at least 3 days this week, read the Bible Reading and leave me a comment!

Challenge Winners so far this week:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Monday!

BIBLE READING: Matthew 6:25-34 First Things First


John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Kate-school play
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family

Middle School S.S. Challenge: Visit this blog at least 3 days this week, read the Bible Reading and leave me a comment!

Friday, April 24, 2009


BIBLE READING: Revelation 3:17 Poor, Blind, & Naked


John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Adam-Praise! His uncle is recovering from heart surgery well!
Carrie-traveling home from Colorado
Kate-pray the set for the school play gets painted in time
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family

Middle School S.S. Challenge:
Memorize John 15:5
"I am the _____; you are the _______. If a man ______ in me and I in ______, he will _______ much fruit; apart from me you can do ______.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


BIBLE READING: Psalm 46:1-3 Help in Tight Places

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.After explaining the commandment to "honor thy father and thy mother," she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" Without missing a beat one little boy answered, "Thou shall not kill."

John's brother had surgery-Praise! He is doing well!
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Adam-Praise! His uncle is recovering from heart surgery well!
Carrie-in Colorado
Kate-pray the set for the school play gets painted in time
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Brad's family

Middle School S.S. Challenge:
Memorize John 15:5
"I am the _____; you are the _______. If a man ______ in me and I in ______, he will _______ much fruit; apart from me you can do ______.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


BIBLE READING: Beauty Within


John's brother had surgery
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Adam-Praise! His uncle is recovering from heart surgery well!
Carrie-in Colorado
Kate-pray the set for the school play gets painted in time
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab
Middle School S.S. Challenge:
Memorize John 15:5
"I am the _____; you are the _______. If a man ______ in me and I in ______, he will _______ much fruit; apart from me you can do ______.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


BIBLE READING: A Righteous Throne


John's brother had surgery yesterday
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Adam-Praise! His uncle is recovering from heart surgery well!
Carrie-flying to Colorado today
Kate-pray the set for the school play gets painted in time
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab

Middle School S.S. Challenge: Memorize John 15:5
"I am the _____; you are the _______. If a man ______ in me and I in ______, he will _______ much fruit; apart from me you can do ______.

Monday, April 20, 2009

May Calendar

Click to Enlarge:

Happy Monday!

DEVOTION: In the Face of Death - It has been 10 years since the Columbine High School shootings. Let's take a moment today to pray for the families of the victims as well as the students and teachers at our own schools who need Jesus.

John's brother having surgery today
School & Sports
Graduating Seniors
David's sunburn
Scott-making website for work
Brad's cousin-appendix burst
Adam-Praise! His uncle is recovering from heart surgery well!
Carrie-flying to Colorado tomorrow
Kate-pray the set for the school play gets painted in time
Brad's brother Brennen in rehab


Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Friday!

Bible Reading: He Listens and Answers

Laugh of the Day:
A little boy found a Bible so old it was covered in 12 inches of dust. The little boy scooped away the dust and then slowly opened the ancient Bible. As he opened the Bible he noticed a leaf. He quickly ran to his mom and said, "Look what I found mom!"The mom asked, "What is it"?"I think it's Adams underwear", replied the boy. (

Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his family
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Everyone traveling for Spring Break
Parents' Night out on Saturday!
The Seniors....graduation is near!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at Who's Watching?

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at
Nick C and his family
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Everyone traveling for Spring Break
Parents' Night out on Saturday!
The Seniors....graduation is near!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday - TAX DAY!!!

Today's Devotional: Guide and Guard

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his family
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Everyone traveling for Spring Break
Parents' Night out on Saturday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today's Devotional: Are You Down?

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his family
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Everyone traveling for Spring Break
Parents' Night out on Saturday!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Today's Devotional: How is Your Character?
Laugh of the Day: Walking on Water
Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his here for info about funeral
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Everyone traveling for Spring Break
Parents' Night out on Saturday!


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Congrats to team Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at GlitterYourWay.comfor having the best overall score on Saturday night at our Bowling Extravaganza!!!!

The individual winners were....

GUYS: - Glitter Graphics
GIRLS: - Glitter Graphics

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Today's Devotional: Remember the Cross

No Laughing Matter: Instead of a Laugh of the Day today, please watch this moving music video:

Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his family
Nick M's mom has surgery today
Jamie's sister Sarah had surgery yesterday - Update: surgery went great! She is home and resting!
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Beachlers' relatives traveling
Ron's son traveling
Spring Break traveling
Easter Eggstravaganza for Kids today

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today's Devotional: From Mire to Choir

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
Nick C and his family
Nick M's mom has surgery on Friday
Jamie's sister Sarah has surgery today - Update: surgery went great! She is home and resting!
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
School & Sports
Beachlers' relatives traveling
Ron's son traveling
Spring Break traveling
Easter Eggstravaganza for Kids on Friday

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Nick Conley & his family...his father died Monday

Today's Devotional: A Living Hope

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
Nick and his family
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
Jamie's sister Sarah has surgery tomorrow
School & Sports
Beachlers' relatives traveling
Ron's son traveling
Spring Break traveling
Easter Eggstravaganza for Kids on Friday

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Nick Conley & his family...his father died yesterday
Today's Devotional: No Excuses

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
Nick's Dad-please pray, as he's not doing well
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
Jamie's sister Sarah has surgery this week-was having lots of pain last night
School & Sports
Beachlers' relatives traveling
Ron's son traveling
Spring Break traveling
Easter Eggstravaganza for Kids on Friday

Congrats to ***LAUREN*** for being the first Middle Schooler to complete this week's SS Challenge! Who will be next?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monday - Congratulations Ryan & Carrie!

Today's Devotional: Playing into Satan's Hands

Laugh of the Day:

Middle School SS Challenge:
Visit this blog at least one day this week, read the devotional, and tell us about it next Sunday! When you visit this blog, leave a comment or email me, and I will post your name on here for everyone to see!

Prayer Requests:
Nick's Dad
Troy's brother Marc
Philip's friend has mono
Jamie's sister has surgery this week
School & Sports
Beachlers' relatives traveling
Ron's son traveling
Spring Break traveling
Easter Eggstravaganza for Kids on Friday

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Friday!

Don't forget to sign up for Bowling on Sunday!

Today's Devotional: Your Roots

Laugh of the Day: This is cute!!.....

Prayer Requests:
Nick's Mom's Surgery next Friday
Wanda's health
Spring Break
John's cousin
Jim working
Jamie's sister's surgery on Apr 9th
Shadow Day
Soldiers in war
Sports & School Activity
Youth Group Attendance

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Today's Devotional: Say 'Ah'

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:

Nick's Mom's Surgery next Friday
Wanda's health
Spring Break
John's cousin
Jim working
Jamie's sister's surgery on Apr 9th
Shadow Day
Soldiers in war
Sports & School Activity
Youth Group Attendance

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Calendar


Today's Devotional: Can You Believe It?

Laugh of the Day:

Prayer Requests:
School, Tests, Sports
Everyone traveling for spring break
Youth Group tonight for MS